The coach and trainer for winning arguments and leading people
“Players win games, teams win championships.”
Bill Taylor

Team coaching is as individual as one-to-one coaching.

The requirements are determined beforehand through confidential talks with the team members. Nevertheless, there are some issues cropping up in every team coaching. These are:

  • Who does what in the team?
  • What is working fine, what could be improved?
  • Who or what hinders us working the best possible way?
  • What do we expect from our management?
  • What does the management expect from the staff?
  • What kind of rules, standards and values do we have? Do we have any?
  • • What kind of meeting culture do we have – face to face or virtual?
  • Have we ever talked about it?

Many of these issues can become unexpectedly emotional for many team members. It is a great relief for an executive in this situation having a coach on his side. The coach will assist everyone, unbiased and professional, proposing common solutions to sometimes contradictory characters and wishes. 

Team coaching as a process takes its time and has to be developed over several months, sometimes even years. Team coaching is successful because it can develop concrete solutions that have been accepted by all. Every single person in the team, including the management, with personal wishes and values is integrated.

A team coaching can be organized face to face or virtually.

This way, team coaching becomes an extremely valuable instrument in order to develop the best possible team culture and to live by it.

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