The coach and trainer for winning arguments and leading people

You really have to get acquainted with the different cultures and mentalities if you want to avoid blunders and the famous multicultural ambush.

Whoever wants to attain long-term success with multicultural teams should get to know deeper the different scales of values and mentalities of the different nations. This is where my coaching starts off.

Understanding facial expression and gesticulation in personal conversation or the voice inflexion in a virtual meeting can reduce the risk of misunderstandings. It gets more complicated in the case of mails. In this case some nations tend to be quite concise putting their request rather bluntly. This may provoke the immediate disdain of the colleagues from other nations, because they are used to say things in “the subjunctive” and after creating a personal rapport.

Those who shy away from an intercultural coaching at the beginning of their career will end up paying dearly for it in the later stages of their leadership.

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